The Mobile Therapist

Personality Isn't Permanent-A Conversation With Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Benjamin Hardy's new book, Personality Isn't Permanent, is out and it's a mental-health game changer!

Get it here: (or wherever books are sold)

Here is just SOME of the ground we cover in this episode:

  • Discover the myths of personality that limit most people's potential.

  • Decide for yourself the life you want to live, regardless of how different it is from your past or present self. 

  • Become emotionally flexible so your past no longer defines you.

  • Reframe your trauma to believe and live like everything in your life has happened for you, not to you.

  • Context helps reframe the narrative you have of your personality.

  • Create a network of empathetic witnesses who actively encourage you to continue moving forward through your highs and lows.

I hope you find this conversation as insightful and motivating as I did!

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